Propane Tank Fire Complicated By Tough Terrain and Electrical Hazards
By East Brandywine Fire Company
May 8, 2012

On Friday May 4th East Brandywine Fire Company was dispatched to Manor Road in West Brandywine Township in conjunction with other companies for a potential Out Building.

West Brandywine Police alerted incoming Officers and Units that the fire actually involved a large propane tank (1,000 gallons) on what was formerly WCOJ Radio Station property.

The situation was complicated as a result of the location of the tank as it sat on a hillside covered with thick vegetation.

Two 1.75 handlines were deployed from Engine 35 and crews made their way toward the tank as fire was impinging on the it. As crews were cooling the tank water collected in a swell and extinguished the fire. It could now be seen that the actual leak was a result of an underground line feeding a generator. Additionally it became obvious that there were multiple lines coming from electrical poles in the area.

With the fire out focus shifted to stopping the propane leak. Evacuations were requested and crews began trying to eliminate secondary ignition sources. Air monitoring with multiple meters was on going. PECO arrived on scene to provide insight regarding the downed lines.

Given the high hazard of the situation a decision was made to send and entry team in to attempt to shut off the tank. East Brandywine Lt. Adam Edwards (also a member of HAZMAT 15) and Firefighter Tyler Smith along with Assistant 35 Bob Yearsley were successful with shutting off the tank.

Collaboration among all of the companies involved in this incident helped mitigate a highly hazardous situation.